Biweekly newsletter of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society

2022 ICIS Annual Business Meeting

At each Annual Scientific Meeting there shall be an Annual Business Meeting of the Membership of the Society, presided over by the President. Five percent of the Members shall constitute a quorum.

Wishing you all a very Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year! Inviting all ICIS members and others who may be interested in the Society, to view the Cytokines 2022 Member’s Annual Business Meeting.

Curt Horvath modeling an ICIS Hoodie

In order to incentivize participation (hopefully our last “virtual” annual members business meeting), ICIS members who correctly answers the 3 questions below will be put in a drawing to win an ICIS hoodie. There will be four winners representing the following geographical areas: Australia, Asia, Europe, South America, North America and Africa!

  1. What company generously provided an endowment for the Bill Paul award, allowing the ICIS to provide this in perpetuity?
  2. In 2023 at what other meetings will ICIS satellite sessions be held?
  3. How many cytokines are listed on the white board behind Chris Hunter during this presentation?

Please use the form below to leave comments about the society and to submit your answers for the contest. We hope to see you in Athens this October!

Best regards,

ICIS Council

President (2021 – 2023)
Christopher Hunter, BSc, PhD
Department of Pathobiology
Mindy Halikman Heyer President’s Distinguished Chair
School of Veterinary Medicine
University of Pennsylvania

President-Elect (2021 – 2023)
Sarah Gaffen, PhD
Gerald P. Rodnan Professor, Division of Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology
Director, Pittsburgh Autoimmunity Center of Excellence in Rheumatology (PACER)
University of Pittsburgh. Department of Immunology

Secretary (Jan 2021 – Jan 2023)
Kate L. Jeffrey, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
John Lawrence MGH Research Scholar 2020-2025
Associate member, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Faculty member, Harvard Immunology
Faculty member, Harvard Virology
Massachusetts General Hospital Boston

Secretary (Jan 2023 – Jan 2025)
Susan Carpenter, PhD
Associate Professor of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology,
University of California Santa Cruz,
Santa Cruz, USA

Treasurer (Jan 2019-Jan 2022 re-elected Jan 2022 – Jan 2024
Dusan Bogunovic, PhD
Associate Professor of Microbiology, Pediatrics, The Mindich Child Health and Development Institute and Precision Immunology Institute at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Past-President (2021-2023)
Katherine A. Fitzgerald, PhD, MRIA
Worcester Foundation Chair in Biomedical Sciences
Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Medicine,
UMASS Medical School
Director, Program in Innate Immunity

Council (Jan 2022 – Jan 2025)
Judith E Allen, FRSE, FRSB, FMedSci

Lydia Becker Institute of Immunology and Inflammation
Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health
University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom

Council (Jan 2021 – Jan 2024)
Curt M. Horvath, PhD
Professor of Molecular Biosciences
Northwestern University
Department of Molecular Biosciences
Evanston, USA

Council (Jan 2022 – Jan 2025)
You-Me Kim, PhD
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Council (Jan 2021 – Jan 2024)
Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti, PhD
Vice Chair, Immunology Department
Rose Marie Thomas Endowed Chair
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Council (Cytokines 2023 Chair)
Evangelos Andreakos, PhD
Investigator – Professor Level, Director of the Center for Clinical, Experimental Surgery & Translational Research

Council members for Inclusion and Training

(Jan 2022 – Jan 2024)
Ruby Dawson, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Cancer and Immune Signalling Laboratory 
Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases
Hudson Institute of Medical Research 
Clayton, VIC, Australa

(Jan 2021 – Jan 2025)
Justina Kulikauskaite
fourth year PhD
Francis Crick Institute and University College London, UK

Joan Oefner, Managing Director
International Cytokine & Interferon Society (since December, 2016)
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