Biweekly newsletter of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society

Share member news, job openings, industry updates, clinical trials & publications of interest with Signals+

Signals+ is a twice monthly e-mail newsletter and Website welcoming input from ICIS members on useful information to the cytokine and interferon research community. We are always looking for new contributions to this publication, so if you have something you want to write about, whether it’s about a new cytokine-related scientific article that particularly strikes you, or a new resource that our community might find interesting, a clinical trial that we ought to know about, or even a story/poem/joke/essay/recipe / cartoon, please send it to

  • ICIS Member News (promotions, position changes, awards, etc)
  • Listing of active clinical trials utilizing cytokines/interferons
  • Recent approvals of cytokines/interferons for clinical use or diagnostic testing
  • Positions Open/Positions Wanted
  • Industry news
  • Publications of interest to the cytokines/interferons community
  • Teaching articles on any subject of interest to ICIS academic, industry, student/postdoc members
  • New member mini-bios
  • Member highlights interviews
  • Meeting announcements

Please send your content to Joan Oefner for inclusion in a future bimonthly issue of Signals+. We also welcome your ideas and suggestions for this newsletter. Deadlines are the 1st and the 15th of each month. To find out more about industry ads, please click here ADVERTISE.

1st issue of the ISICR Newsletter published in 1994, which became Signals+
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