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Signals+ Newsletter in PDF format for viewing, downloading and/or printing. [READ MORE]
Up to four (4) trainees with the highest scoring abstracts as per the scientific review committee for Cytokines 2021 Virtual Meeting, will be awarded $1,250 each for their ICIS-PfizerTrainee Presentation in the most appropriate session based on topic. Meeting the 2021 ICIS-Pfizer Trainee Awardees. These awards are sponsored by Pfizer in recognition [READ MORE]
Douglas Philip Dyer, Ph.D. Sir Henry Dale Fellow Wellcome Centre for Cell-Matrix Research, University of Manchester, UK Twitter: @tripledougdyer Dr. Dyer undertook his Ph.D. research investigating how an anti-inflammatory protein functions by disrupting the interactions between chemokines and their extracellular matrix glycosaminoglycan binding partners. Supervised by Prof. Anthony Day, Dr. Caroline Milner and [READ MORE]
Hector Huerga Encabo, Ph.D. Post-doctoral Fellow Haematopoietic Stem Cell Laboratory The Francis Crick Institute London, United Kingdom Twitter: @DrHHEncabo and @TReNDinAfrica Postdoctoral Fellow at The Francis Crick Institute (London, UK), he received the Kay Kendall Leukemia fellowship to develop his research in the Haematopoietic Stem Cell laboratory led by Dominique Bonnet. Hector performed his Ph.D. [READ MORE]
Guest ICIS Symposium at virtual AAI meeting IMMUNOLOGY2021, May 13, 2021 Emerging Roles of Type III Interferons in COVID-19, Gut Microbiome, Adaptive Immunity, and Anti-Fungal Immunity The symposium started with a brief overview of type III IFNs by Sergei Kotenko, Rutgers University. He covered discoveries leading to the identification of [READ MORE]
Olha Yaroshko Ph.D. Candidate and Graduate Research Assistant Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering NAS of Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine Olga Yaroshko is a Ph.D. student in Biotechnology at the Institute of Cell biology and Genetic Engineering, NAS, in Kyiv, Ukraine. The theme of her Ph.D. thesis is “Development of biotechnological approaches [READ MORE]
Jakob von Moltke, Ph.D. Assistant Professor University of Washington Department of Immunology Seattle, USA Twitter: @jakob_moltke Dr. von Moltke is an Assistant Professor in the Immunology Department at the University of Washington Medical School in Seattle. Dr. von Moltke graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology from Dartmouth College and a [READ MORE]
Amanda Rae Mannino, MLS (ASCP)CM Ph.D. Candidate and Graduate Research Assistant UT Health San Antonio San Antonio, USA Amanda Mannino’s research focuses on simian immunodeficiency virus, the nonhuman primate (NHP) analog of HIV, and its restriction in baboons. The mechanisms underlying baboon’s natural immunity against SIV remain unknown. Understanding the mechanisms behind some [READ MORE]
GuanQun ‘Leo’ Liu, Ph.D. Postdoc Fellow Cleveland Clinic Florida Research and Innovation Center Port St. Lucie, USA Twitter: @leonardliu88 Dr. GuanQun ‘Leo’ Liu is a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Prof. Michaela Gack at the Cleveland Clinic Florida Research and Innovation Center. He was trained as a molecular virologist with extensive research experience [READ MORE]
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