2020 Christina Fleischmann Award to Young Women Investigators

Carrie L Lucas, PhD
Assistant Professor of Immunobiology
Yale University
Department of Immunobiology
New Haven,  United States

Dr. Carrie Lucas leads a laboratory devoted to discovering new and translationally relevant principles of immunology by defining and studying novel monogenic human immune disorders. Combining human genomics, in vitro studies using primary patient cells, and in vivo mouse modeling approaches, her team seeks to gain incisive basic and translational insights starting with patients. Dr. Lucas is an Assistant Professor of Immunobiology at Yale University School of Medicine. She received her PhD from Harvard University, where she investigated T cell tolerance in mouse models, and her postdoctoral training at NIAID/NIH, where she focused on human immunology in monogenic diseases caused by PI3K gene variants.

Oral Presentation: Cytosolic DNTP catabolism prevents NLRP3 inflammasome overactivation



Carrie Lucas Lab

Dr. Christina Fleischmann (1945 – 1996)

This award is made possible through the generosity of the Fleischmann Family and is dedicated to the memory of ISICR member and outstanding interferon research scientist Christina Fleischmann. The award was established in early 1998, with the first award presented to Xiaoxia Li, Ph.D., who’s now the Paul L. Fox, PhD, Endowed Chair in Molecular Medicine at the Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland, USA, at the joint ISICR/ICS meeting in Jerusalem. She went on to win the Milstein Award in 2013.

In the words of then President of ISICR, Bryan Williams, “Our Society benefits from the active participation from many fine women scientists. Therefore it is with pleasure that I announce the establishment of a new award to recognize and promote young women scientists. The Christina Fleischmann Young Investigator Award has been established by Bob Fleischman in memory of Christina, an active participant in our society for many years until her recent untimely death. It is Bob’s hope that the establishment of this award will lead others to consider donating awards to the Society.”

This award is open to young women investigators working in the cytokine, chemokine and interferon biology.

ICIS members who will attend the upcoming annual conference and who have received a Ph.D or M.D. within the previous 10 years are eligible, but may be extended by 1 year due to parental leave. 
For more details about this award, please click here.

The 2019 Christina Fleischmann Award to Young Women Investigator – Meike Dittmann, PhD

Sophia Davidson, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research, Parkville, Australia

2019 Dr. Christina Fleischmann Award to Young Women Investigators presented to Meike Dittmann, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
2018 Dr. Christina Fleischmann Award to Young Women Investigators presented to Sophia Davidson, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research, Parkville, Australia, by Bob Fleischmann in Boston at Cytokines 2018.