Abstract Submission & Student/Postdoc Travel Awards Application Deadline is 1 May, 2022
1 May, 2022 is the deadline for ICIS Student/Postdoc members submitting abstracts for Oral, Lightning Talk or Poster presentation should apply for Milstein/Vilcek Travel Awards ($50,000 will be awarded to the top ranking ICIS Student/Postdoc member 1st author abstract presentations for Cytokines 2022 abstract topics, sponsored a generous gift from the Milstein Family, the Vilcek Foundation and ICIS Member donors). SUBMISSION THROUGH THE ONLINE ABSTRACT FORM.
1 May, 2022 is the deadline for students and postdoc who may or may not be ICIS members, to apply for ILC4 Travel Awards ($30,000 will be awarded to the top ranking student/postdoc 1st author abstract presentations for ILC4 abstract topics, sponsored by a grant from Sandler Asthma Basic Research Center (SABRE Center) at UCSF, USA). SUBMISSION THROUGH THE ONLINE ABSTRACT FORM.
15 May 2022 is the Early-Bird Registration Deadline, save $150-200 ($75 for Students/Postdocs). ONLINE REGISTRATION
19 July 2022 is the room block deadline. We encourage all participants to reserve their rooms as soon as possible. Confirmation is made up one night deposit which is fully refundable until 7 days before expected arrival date. At this time (25 April) 45% of the room block has already been filled.
19 July 2022 is the deadline to request complimentary Childcare (1 through 12 years old) during the scheduled meetings (children are warmly invited to the social functions so childcare is only during the sessions). The ICIS will be contracting through Malihini Keiki Care Baby Sitting and Nanny Service, they were recommended by the Hitlon Waikoloa Village.
All meetings and social events (Welcome Reception & Final Night Gala Dinner) will be held at the:
Hilton Waikoloa Village
69-425 Waikoloa Beach Drive, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 96738, USA (this is on the Big Island of Hawaii)
Tel: 1-808-886-1234
Cytokines 2022 and the joint ILC4 have negotiated discounted room rates for participants. To book online, please click this link: www.my-event.hilton.com/koahwhh-ici-03f09613-22d7-4d33-96fe-9c41a5702835/
Group code ICI – will be for the main block rates of $245 Palace Resort view and $285 Palace Ocean view.
Cytokines 2022 Hybrid Meeting and ILC4 participants are NOT required to pay the hotel’s resort fees and DO include complimentary WiFi, however, the following statement is still included on our reservations site, but it DOES NOT APPLY TO OUR GROUP DISCOUNTED ROOM RATES AS LONG AS SUPPLIES LAST.
There are direct flights to Kona Int’l Airport from many cities such as Tokyo (starting in August), San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, Sacramento, Oakland, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Las Vegas, Denver. Many other cities fly to Hawaii but must change planes at Honolulu International Airport. Most airlines have institute FREE CHANGES even at their basic fares. For more details please click here.
Cytokines 2022 Hybrid: 10th Annual Meeting of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS) to be held jointly with the 4th International Conference on Innate Lymphoid Cells (ILC4), September 20-23, 2022, at the Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, with synchronous Virtual Meeting Platform including live streamed and on-demand access to all sessions. Posters will be available both in-person (for those in Hawaii) AND as iPosters.
Our industry partners will again participate with interactive virtual exhibit booths and Breaking News presentations to be live streamed from their booths during all the coffee breaks and after the opening session AS WELL as in-person tabletop exhibits. There are many breaks in the program for participants to visit the virtual exhibits, posters, iPosters and in-person exhibitors. Many of our pharmaceutical company and biotech partners will be promoting Careers with Senior Scientist and Postdoc opportunities, through their exhibit booths and/or their Breaking News sessions.
Cytokines 2022 Hybrid Meeting with ILC4 would not be possible without the continued support of the leading companies advancing the most promising cytokine-based therapies and inhibitors, cell analysis, biomarkers, antibodies, reagents, and assay tools working on behalf of ICIS member researchers across the globe. Partnerships between the Society and Industry works to advance cytokine biology impacting all aspects of medicine, leading to new treatments in inflammation, autoimmune diseases, cancer, COVID-19, infectious disease and immune-mediated conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. Also, don’t miss the Pre-Conference Session sponsored by The Korean Association of Immunologists: Cytokines and tissue resident lymphocytes
02:45 PM – 03:10 PM | |
03:10 PM – 03:35 PM | |
03:35 PM – 04:00 PM |
Cytokines 2022 Hybrid meeting welcomes as joint meeting collaborators, the 4th International Conference on Innate Lymphoid Cells. Registered attendees of one meeting may participate in sessions of the other. There will be a few combined sessions and social functions, with the two programs otherwise diverse and comprehensive organized under the following themes:
By sharing a high profile island location attractive to in-person visitors — as well as the hybrid/virtual meeting platform to have improved access for those who may still not be comfortable, or just do not wish to fly around the world to hear about the latest research, the partnership between the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS) and the 4th ILC meeting (originally planned for October, 2020 in San Francisco) is a natural one. We hope you will plan on joining us in Hawaii in September, 2022 and that the cutting edge information on ILC’s will complement and further your own cytokine biology research.
The primary objective of the ILC program is to cover basic and translational aspects of innate lymphocyte biology in model mouse systems and in humans as well as their roles in tissue homeostasis, immune regulation and disease by combining talks by invited expert speakers and selected abstract submissions to be presented as oral or poster presentations.There will be sessions dedicated to allergic, metabolic, neurologic, and other inflammatory diseases, as well as stem cells and cancer. The meeting will bridge the gap between the scientists performing basic research across the scope of these recently described cells and those working to harness this knowledge to develop strategies for interventions that restore tissue homeostasis.
Following the Joint Meeting, for those still hungry for in-person scientific exchange, the Interferon Lambda 2022 Satellite Meeting will take place on Saturday and Sunday mornings at the Hilton Waikoloa Village. The purpose of the Meeting is to promote research on IFN-λs by enhancing interdisciplinary communication and encouraging new collaborations.
Confirmed Invited Speakers – Click here for program and more details.
An additional registration fee is required, virtual and on-demand access will be available following the sessions.