SUNDAY, MAY 8, 2022 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM ROOM B110–112
- Rebecca Coll, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom (2021 Regeneron New Investigator Award Winner)
“Harnessing the power of NLRP3 – pharmacological strategies for inhibition and activation of the inflammasome” - Shruti Naik, NYU Langone, NY, USA (2021 Regeneron New Investigator Award Winner)
“Immune-epithelial crosstalk in tissue repair” - Fiachra Humphries, U Mass Worcester, MA, USA (2021 Regeneron New Investigator Award Winner)
“Therapeutic modulation of STING” - Jakob von Moltke, U Washington, Seattle, USA (2021 Regeneron New Investigator Award Winner)
“Small Intestinal Tuft Cells: Sentinels and Effectors of type 2 immunity”