An Emerging Field of Cytokine Pharmacology, K.C. Garcia, 2021 ICIS-BioLegend William E. Paul Lecture
View 2021 ICIS-BioLegend William E. Paul Award for Excellence in Cytokine Research Presentation by K. Christopher Garcia, Stanford – click below.
View 2021 ICIS-BioLegend William E. Paul Award for Excellence in Cytokine Research Presentation by K. Christopher Garcia, Stanford – click below.
The MRC CMM would like to invite you to join us at the Monthly Myco-talks, where experts in Medical Mycology and related fields will be presenting their latest research. [READ MORE]
At each Annual Scientific Meeting there shall be an Annual Business Meeting of the Membership of the Society, presided over by the President. Five percent of the Members shall constitute a quorum. This is the presentation of the 2021 Annual Business Meeting of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society which was postponed when the Annual meeting was not able to take place in Cardiff and pivoted to a Virtual Meeting. We invite members of the ICIS as well as others interested in cytokine biology, to view the presentation. Members can leave comments for ICIS Leadership using the form on the webpage. [READ MORE]
As my official term as ICIS President started in October of 2021 I’d like to offer a special thank you to Sarah Gaffen (President-Elect), and Joan Oefner and Elizabeth Gray, who manage the affairs of the society for the support they have already shown. Thank you also to the ICIS Council, and all of the dedicated individuals who serve on our committees for their ongoing service. Thank you to Simon Jones and his co-organizers for taking on the challenge of our first “hybrid” meeting, and for organizing a wonderful program for the 2021 meeting in Cardiff. Of course, the inspirational leadership and patience shown by outgoing President Kate Fitzgerald over the last two years has provided a template for the society and helped to set our priorities. [READ MORE]
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