Interview with yEFIS Spokesperson & ICIS ECR Committee Member, Rami Bechara
- Please tell us your name, degree, where you currently work, position
Rami Bechara, Pharm.D; Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Université Paris-Saclay, Paris, France - Where did you do your training?
I completed my PhD in Immunology in France. Then, I pursued a postdoctoral position at the Gaffen lab, University of Pittsburgh. - Briefly, what is your research program about?
I am directing my efforts toward understanding the intricate mechanisms underlying Sjogren syndrome. Specifically, my team delves into exploring the potential impact of RNA methylation on the development and progression of this autoimmune disease. - Tell us your thoughts about ICIS: how has being involved in this Society help your career?
My first encounter with the Cytokine Society was in September 2018, during the initial stages of my Postdoctoral training. It was a significant milestone in my career, facilitated by my Postdoctoral mentor, who introduced me to the society. Attending the Boston meeting was an inspiring experience that further solidified my commitment to advancing my research in the cytokine field. - Are there any particular friends you’ve made or collaborations that came specifically out of Cytokines meetings?
Yes, ongoing collaborations, but what I like the most is how these meetings provided me with the opportunity to put faces to the names I had previously encountered in academic publications! - What Cytokines meeting(s) have been your favorites? Tell us about any special memories or anecdotes.
Oh, that’s a tough one! it’s challenging to pick a favorite. Each conference holds its unique significance and has contributed to my growth as a researcher. The 2018 meeting holds a special place in my heart due to the nostalgia associated with it, marking the initial stages of my postdoc. However, the 2023 meeting was equally enjoyable. - What do you like to do when not in the lab?
I’m out there exploring new restaurants and trying out different cuisines. There’s something about food that just brings so much joy to life! - What is the best life/career advice you’ve ever received?
Learning when to say yes and when to say no has been a game-changer for me. It’s all about finding that balance and knowing that it’s perfectly okay to prioritize what truly matters. - What book or TV show are you reading/watching right now that you recommend?
“100 expressions a sauver” ! French book to rescue forgotten sayings and idioms. - What is your favorite cytokine?
First, it was all about IL-23, then IL-17 stole the spotlight, and now IFN due to my dive into the world of Sjogren’s syndrome. Who knows which cytokine will take the lead next!