Please tell us your name, degree, where you currently work, and your position.Â
Hiroki Yoshida, M.D., Ph.D.
I am currently a Professor of Medicine and Biomolecular Sciences in the Department of Immunology of Saga University School of Medicine, Saga, Japan
Where did you do your training?
Kyushu University (Ph.D. course) and University of Toronto (PostDoc)
Briefly, what is your research about?
Roles of cytokines in infection; currently working on identification of receptors for pathogen-derived lipid, sugar, and protein moiety. Other research interests include:
- Unique features of Entamoeba histolytica glycerophospholipid metabolism, including whether the E. histolytica lipid metabolism network evolved through gene loss and gain to enable parasitic life cycle adaptation;
- Pleiotropic Roles of Cholesteryl Sulfate during Entamoeba Encystation: Involvement in Cell Rounding and Development of Membrane Impermeability; and
- Identification of leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor A1 (LILRA1) as a specific receptor for Aspergillus fumigatus conidia
Tell us your thoughts about ICIS: how has being involved in the Cytokine Society help your career?
Talking with young researchers, especially from Asian (other than Japan) countries, is very stimulating and inspiring.
Are there any particular friendships or collaborations that came specifically out of Cytokines meetings?
No, but my collaboration with Chris Hunter started long before I joined the society. And that collaboration continues, including contributions to this published article, The IL-27R (WSX-1) is required to suppress T cell hyperactivity during infection. Immunity 19: 645-55, 2003.
What Cytokines meeting(s) have been your favorites? Tell us about any special memories or anecdotes.
The one at Lisbon. It was the 7th Joint Meeting of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research and the International Cytokine Society in 2009. I missed the shuttle bus to the venue and ended up walking almost two hours to the park. I was almost lost on the mountain!
What do you like to do when not in the lab?
Moonlighting as a medical doctor. I also enjoy reading papers, books, watching movies, and photography.
What is the best life/career advice you’ve ever received?
Positive control, negative control and working hard.
What book or TV show are you reading/watching right now that you recommend?
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel; very interesting and encouraging.
What is your favorite cytokine?
IL-27 is my cytokine!