Last month nearly 2,000 leading cytokine, interferon and immunology investigators from 36 countries came together in Seoul to network, share knowledge and make new friends. Please enjoy these photos and highlight video.
Annual Meeting

Photo Albums & Survey: Thank you to everyone who was able to join us at Cytokines 2024 & KAI 2024

Last month nearly 2,000 leading cytokine, interferon and immunology investigators from 36 countries came together in Seoul to network, share knowledge and make new friends.

Please enjoy these photos and highlight video.

We might be biased, but we think this year’s conference will go down in ICIS history as particularly special. To help us improve future meetings, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few moments to complete our online survey by this Friday, November 22, 2024. [READ MORE]

International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS) favorite feeds and people - join us!
Society News

Join the conversation with your favorite feeds & people on Bluesky

We’re in the process of moving here from X. Join us, follow & share your research & publications (cytokine related or outside the boundaries, published or pre-pub), job openings, meetings & informal gatherings where great ideas are born & cultivated [READ MORE]

Photo of the 2024 award winners in Seoul, Korea

Recognizing Excellence: ICIS Celebrates the 2024 Award Winners

The International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS) is proud to honor outstanding contributions to the field of cytokine and interferon research through its comprehensive awards program. Designed to recognize excellence at every stage of a scientist’s career, the ICIS awards underscore the Society’s commitment to fostering innovation, mentorship, and impactful [READ MORE]

Image of stacked magazines with title, "Article of Interest"
Reviews of Interest

Don’t Eat Me: Overcoming a Tumor’s Immunosuppressive Microenvironment

Targeting EGFRvIII and CD47-SIRPα: A New CAR-T Strategy for Glioblastoma Treatment Review contributed by: PhD candidate Eugenio Contreras Castillo (one of the 2024 ICIS-Pfizer Trainee Award Winners for Most Promising Research Presentations at Cytokines 2024), Department of Cell Biology Institute of Cellular Physiology (IFC), National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) [READ MORE]

Clinical Trials, contributed by Howard A. Young
Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials – updated November 20, 2024

1) Effects of Interleukin (IL)-17A Inhibition on Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis ( ID NCT05309616) | 2) Assessment of Serum interleukin10 Level in Patients With Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura at Sohag University Hospital ( ID NCT05835050) | 3)Treatment With Dinutuximab Beta, Zoledronic Acid and Low-dose Interleukin (IL-2) in Patients With Leiomyosarcoma (DiTuSarc) ( ID NCT05080790) [READ MORE]

Beyond Sciences Initiative Announces its 10th Annual Science & Society Conference - February 21, 22, and March 6, 2025
Other Meetings

Beyond Sciences Initiative Announces its 10th Annual Science & Society Conference – February 21, 22, and March 6, 2025

Science & Society is a free online conference that provides scholars worldwide an opportunity to present their research and network with a broad scientific audience. Topics include infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, cancer, bioinformatics and AI. [READ MORE]

Image of Howard Young titled: From Howard's Desk
From Howard's Desk

Advice From the World of a Science Retiree

By Howard Young, Retired Principal Investigator, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, Maryland, USA Having been retired for 10 months, I thought I would provide a bit of advice of what to expect in retirement for someone who had a scientific career. Drs. Sharon Wahl and Charlie Glinka contributed some thoughts to [READ MORE]

ICIS President and President-Elect, Sarah Gaffen and Curt Horvath in front of Gang Nam hands, Seoul, Korea
Featured Article!

Cytokines2024 Rocks, Gang Nam Style

There’s no doubt, Cytokines2024 in Seoul, Korea was a resounding success. The ICIS/KAI joint meeting boasted nearly 2,000 attendees from 36 countries, 55 invited speakers, 55 pharma and vendor sponsors, > 600 posters, 20 junior and senior research awards, 47 ICIS travel awards, and a Nobel Laureate. The conference was [READ MORE]

Dr. Mariana J Kaplan, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institutes of Health
New Member Mini-Bios

Dr. Mariana J Kaplan, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institutes of Health

Mariana Kaplan, M.D. is NIH Distinguished Investigator, Chief of the Systemic Autoimmunity Branch and Deputy Scientific Director at the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institutes of Health. She is a rheumatologist whose research has focused on identifying mechanisms of immune dysregulation, organ damage, and premature vascular disease in systemic autoimmunity. Specifically, she investigates how innate immunity (in particular, type I interferons and myeloid cells) promotes autoimmune responses and end-organ damage in systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and other systemic autoimmune diseases. [READ MORE]