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Clinical Trials

Serum IL 26 as a Marker of Disease Activity in SLE ID NCT05161988 Sponsor: Assiut University Information provided by Fatma alzahraa Mustafa Abdelbary Thabet, Assiut University (Responsible Party) Study Overview Brief Summary Assessment of serum Interleukin 26 level in SLE patients and compare it with healthy controls. Association of serum interleukin 26 with SLE activity and severity. Detailed Description Systemic [READ MORE]

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Clinical Trials

Cancer Ratio,Pleural Fluid Adenosine Deaminase,Lactate Dehydrogenase, interferonY, Tumor Necrosis Factor,and Interleukins{2,12,18}for Differentiation Between Malignant and Non Malignant Pleural Effusion ID NCT05693727 Sponsor: Assiut University Information provided by Mona Adel, Assiut University (Responsible Party) Study Overview Brief Summary To evaluate the ability of cancer ratio and pleural fluid markers to discriminate between malignant and non malignant effusion Detailed Description Pleural effusion is a common clinical entity affecting approximately 1.5 [READ MORE]

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Members in the News

Share Your Recent Publication or Interesting Project

The Signals+ Editors want to hear from YOU! Everyone enjoys reading about what colleagues are doing. If you have an interesting study or recent publication you’d like showcased in Signals+, please take a moment to submit it here.*  Thank you for being an essential part of our community, and we look [READ MORE]

Photo of speaker at a podium
Member Highlights

Member Highlight: Meet Stefan Rose-John

Favorite cytokine? That’s easy: IL-6! A couple years ago, I organized an ICIS sponsored Interleukin-6 Meeting in Kiel together with Prof. Tadamitsu Kishimoto. This meeting brought together most of the scientists interested in this important cytokine. This is just one example of the opportunities to develop important friendships and collaborations [READ MORE]

Photo of the 2024 award winners in Seoul, Korea
Annual Meeting

Recognizing Excellence

ICIS Awards Celebrate Achievements Across Career Stages The International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS) is proud to honor outstanding contributions to the field of cytokine and interferon research through its comprehensive awards program. Designed to recognize excellence at every stage of a scientist’s career, the ICIS awards underscore the Society’s [READ MORE]

Banner Image of ICIS President, Sarah Gaffen
Featured Article!

Presidents Message: Looking forward to 2025!

It’s hard to believe that its already 2025. Reflections We have compiled answers from the survey of attendees at the Seoul ICIS meeting, which confirmed our own feelings about the success of this conference. Kudos again to Drs. You-Me Kim and Sang-Il Lee, and our Korean Association of Immunologists (KAI) [READ MORE]

Conference attendees in an auditorium
Annual Meeting

2024 Travel Award Winners Recount Highlights of Cytokines 2024 & KAI 2024

Former travel grant recipient Dr. Maialen Sebastian de la Cruz of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in Spain is an editor of the Signals+ newsletter. She interviewed the 2024 winners to capture their impressions while still fresh. The 12th Annual Meeting of the International Cytokines and Interferon Society [READ MORE]

Supporting trainees identifying & characterizing cytokines or antibodies to cytokines that directly impact patient lives
Featured Article!

Year-End Giving: Support the Next Generation of Scientific Discovery

As the year winds down and the spirit of generosity fills the air, many of us look for meaningful ways to give back. It’s a time of celebration, reflection and connection — an opportunity to align our actions with the causes that resonate most deeply with us. This year, consider [READ MORE]

Clinical Trials, contributed by Howard A. Young
Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials – updated December 18, 2024

1) Estimation of the Tissue and Serum Levels of Interleukin (IL) -35 in Mycosis Fungoides: a Case Control Study | 2) Impact of Smoking on Salivary Interleukin (IL)-39, IL-41, IL-1β, TNF-α Levels in Periodontal Disease | 3) Targeting IL-17A for Treatment-Resistant Depression [READ MORE]