Graphic - Call for Nominations
Society News

ICIS Leadership: Nominate Someone Today!

The International Cytokines & Interferon Society (ICIS) thrives on the invaluable contributions of individuals who generously devote their time and expertise to the Society. As we look to the future, we invite you, our members, to consider stepping into leadership roles that will drive the field of cytokine and interferon research to new heights. [READ MORE]

New Leadership at Signals+: Dr. Di Yu and Dr. Daniella M. Schwartz Take the Helm
Society News

New Leadership at Signals+: Dr. Di Yu and Dr. Daniella M. Schwartz Take the Helm

In the ever-evolving realm of scientific communication, Signals+ has been a beacon for the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS) community since its inception in 1994. Founded by the esteemed Howard Young, the newsletter has been a source of insightful news, history and updates of cytokine discoveries, and even culinary delights to nourish the minds in laboratories worldwide. Last October, Signals+ underwent a significant transformation, transitioning to a semi-monthly publication under Howard’s guidance. Now, as Howard steps down, we are thrilled to introduce the new Co-Editors-in-Chief, Dr. Di Yu and Dr. Daniella M. Schwartz. [READ MORE]

Society News

ICIS-Distinguished Service Award to be Renamed in Honor of Signals+ Founder & Editor Howard Young, PhD

The governing council of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS) announced the Society’s ICIS-Distinguished Service Award would henceforth be known as the ICIS-Howard A. Young Distinguished Service Award in recognition of the extraordinary contributions… [READ MORE]

Society News

Stephanie Flores Joins ICIS as Co-Managing Director: A New Era of Leadership Unveiled for the International Cytokine & Interferon Society

The International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS) is embarking on an exciting new chapter with the appointment of Stephanie Flores as Co-Managing Director alongside Joan Oefner. This strategic move, announced by ICIS President Sarah Gaffen, reflects a commitment to fortify the organization’s resources, enhance member engagement, and explore new avenues for growth. [READ MORE]

Industry News

ICIS is partnering with Multiview to produce our email newsletter Signals+ twice a month!

The International Cytokine & Interferon Society is pleased to announce that we have partnered with North America’s largest B2B publisher, Multiview, to produce our email newsletter, Signals+. We know how important it is to have direct access to the latest information, trends, and developments in our ever-changing field of practice. [READ MORE]

Society News
Society News

ANNOUNCING: The 2023 Election Results

We are excited to announce the results of the 2023 ICIS Leadership election! Thank you to all our candidates and the members who voted. Congratulations to these members who will begin their positions in January, with President-Elect beginning at the Annual Member’s Business Meeting in Athens on Wednesday, October 18th: [READ MORE]

Society News

2022 ICIS Annual Business Meeting

At each Annual Scientific Meeting there shall be an Annual Business Meeting of the Membership of the Society, presided over by the President. Five percent of the Members shall constitute a quorum. Wishing you all a very Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year! Inviting all ICIS members and others who [READ MORE]

Society News