Banner Image of ICIS President, Sarah Gaffen
Featured Article!

President’s Letter: Updates from your Cytokines Society

Congratulations to the newly-elected officers of the ICIS! Several are returning members, while others are joining the board for the first time. It is great to see so many people willing to give generously of their time and “sweat equity” (to adopt a turn of phrase from former ICIS President [READ MORE]

Graphic of Cytokines 2023 Attendee Testimonials
Annual Meeting

Something for Everyone: Don’t Miss Cytokines / KAI 2024

Lightening Talks and Networking Opportunities Cytokines 2024 and KAI 2024 is your unique opportunity to learn from global thought leaders in Cytokine and Interferon research and gain the insights, techniques, and experiences you need to build a vital network to amplify your impact. Event highlights include opportunities to: Meet senior [READ MORE]

Cytokines 2024 / KAI 2024 Conference
Annual Meeting

Check out the Preliminary Program and Make Plans Today to Attend Cytokines and KAI 2024!

Don’t miss this chance to learn from global thought leaders in Cytokine and Interferon research and gain the insights, techniques, and experiences you need to build a vital network and amplify your impact. Check out this preview of the invited speakers for Tuesday and Wednesday. View the full program here [READ MORE]

Banner Image of ICIS President, Sarah Gaffen
President's Letter

Discovery Takes Center Stage at Scientific Meetings

I am a fan of musical theatre, and scientific meetings definitely have some aspect of performance – just imagine if speakers had to sing their talks? Perhaps a musical about cytokines could be the next hot thing to come to Broadway or the West End? Here are some proposed titles: [READ MORE]

Cytokines 2024 / KAI 2024 Collage
Annual Meeting