Banner Image of ICIS President, Sarah Gaffen
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President’s Letter: Updates from your Cytokines Society

Congratulations to the newly-elected officers of the ICIS! Several are returning members, while others are joining the board for the first time. It is great to see so many people willing to give generously of their time and “sweat equity” (to adopt a turn of phrase from former ICIS President [READ MORE]

Banner Image of ICIS President, Sarah Gaffen
Featured Article!

Democracy in Action: ICIS Leadership Elections and Other Voting Opportunities

“Vote early, vote often” is a humorous quip often attributed to the organized crime era of Chicago in the early 1900s. At the Cytokine Society we do not sanction multiple voting – but all members in good standing are encouraged to cast your ballot legitimately in the upcoming elections for [READ MORE]

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Society News

Leadership and Governance Elections

Voting for ICIS Leadership and a change to the Bylaws is open from July 1 – 31, 2024. All ICIS Members in good standing are eligible and encouraged to vote and exercise your right to determine the future of the International Cytokine and Interferon Society. Council and Nominations Committee Election [READ MORE]