BMS Session at Cytokines 2024 / KAI 2024 Joint Meeting - Inflammasome-activated cytokines in human diseases Scott W. Canna, MD
Industry News
Ruby Dawson in Athens, Greece
Member Highlights

Member Highlight: Ruby Dawson, Postdoctoral Researcher, South Australian Immunogenomics Cancer Institute (SAiGENCI)

My research investigates the function of innate immune receptors in gastric cancer and gastric inflammation.

Being on the ICIS council as a junior member for the past few years has been invaluable for my career. It’s provided insight into how international societies work, how conferences are organised and given me experience in activities outside of pure research.

After COVID travel restrictions, it’s been great to meet collaborators face to face, some for the first time. The 2023 meeting in Athens was great. There were great talks, good food and fun networking sessions! The music from Luke O’Neill’s band was a highlight. [READ MORE]