Photo of antique microscope and science books
Featured Article!

Celebrating Cytokine and Interferon Anniversaries

We are excited to recognize two historic milestones that resonate deeply with the International Cytokine and Interferon Society: the 50th anniversary of the term “cytokine” and the 70th anniversary of the introduction of “Interferons.” Contributed by Valeriya Smaliy and Susan Carpenter, Ph.D., University of California at Santa Cruz It was [READ MORE]

Photo of Article Co-Authors Viejo-Borbolla, Jacobson, and Plückebaum
Special Article of Interest

Discovery of the first IFN-binding protein in herpes viruses reported

Viral modulation of type II interferon increases T cell adhesion and virus spread Herpes and poxviruses express viroceptors, viral proteins that bind cytokines and modulate their activity. Until now, all known viroceptors that bind interferon (IFN) have been discovered exclusively in poxviruses and inhibit IFN activity through blocking the cytokine-receptor [READ MORE]

Members in the News

Forever Young!

Howard A. Young PhD has announced he is entering emeritus status after four decades at the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health. The ICIS owes much to Howard and this article seeks to acknowledge his many contributions to us, to other scientific organizations, to scientists and to science. [READ MORE]