New Member Mini-Bios

Michail Lionakis, MD, Sc.D.

Michail Lionakis, MD, Sc.D. Chief, Fungal Pathogenesis Section Deputy Chief, Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, National Institutes of Health Twitter: @LionakisLab  Dr. Lionakis is a physician-scientist and Head of the Fungal Pathogenesis Section in NIAID’s Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology where he is Deputy [READ MORE]

New Member Mini-Bios

Ai Ing Lim, Ph.D.

Ai Ing Lim, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Research Fellow Metaorganism Immunity Section, Laboratory of Host Immunity and Microbiome National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA Twitter: @AiingLim  I view science as an adventure into the unknown. How a single cell divides and differentiates into specialized tissues and organs, constituting a whole [READ MORE]

New Member Mini-Bios

Keke Celeste Fairfax, Ph.D.

Keke Celeste Fairfax, Ph.D.  Assistant Professor and Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion  Department of Pathology  Division of Microbiology and Immunology  University of Utah  Salt Lake City, USA  Twitter: @LabFairfax  Keke Fairfax received her Ph.D. from Yale in Microbial Pathogenesis in 2009. Her dissertation work focused on identifying novel [READ MORE]

New Member Mini-Bios

Brigette Duckworth

Brigette Duckworth Ph.D. Candidate, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Parkville Australia Twitter: @BrigDoesScience  Brigette is a third year Ph.D. student in the lab of Dr Joanna Groom at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI), Australia. Her research employs cutting-edge light-sheet microscopy to reveal the spatial determinants of [READ MORE]

New Member Mini-Bios

Orlando Cervantes

Orlando Cervantes  University of Washington, Seattle, United States  I cultivated an interest in emerging infectious diseases of global health importance while conducting research in my time as an undergraduate. I started my research career in the laboratory of Dr. Rebecca Rico-Hesse at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) studying the effect [READ MORE]

New Member Mini-Bios

Nicole Campbell, Ph.D.

Nicole Campbell, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Scientist Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases Hudson Institute of Medical Research Clayton Australia  Dr. Nicole Campbell completed her Ph.D. in Immunology under the supervision of Dr. Aisling Dunne at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) in 2018. Her Ph.D. research focused on the anti-inflammatory functions of the enzyme heme oxygenase [READ MORE]

New Member Mini-Bios

Tanja Bulat, Ph.D.

Tanja Bulat, Ph.D. Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna Vienna, Austria  Dr. Tanja Bulat is a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Veterinary University of Vienna, Austria, in the group of Univ. Prof. Dr. Mathias Müller. In 2013 she started working in the field [READ MORE]

Meeting Report

Report on the Korean Association of Immunologists (KAI) International Meeting 2021 Hybrid, June 2-4

The Annual International Meeting of Korean Association of Immunologists (KAI 2021) was held on June 2 – 4, 2021 at the Swiss Grand Hotel in Seoul, Korea. Despite the continuing global COVID-19 pandemic and a strict social distancing policy in Korea, the on/offline hybrid meeting was highly successful with about 900 participants (181 abstracts) from 21 countries. The scientific program included 4 plenary lectures, 14 Major Symposia, 3 Satellite Symposia, 6 Workshops, 2 Education Sessions, and many Industry Symposia. The plenary lectures were given by Mi-Na Kwon (Korea), Laurence Zitvogel (France), Mark Davis (USA), and Ruslan Medzhitov (USA). More information on KAI 2021 can be found at KAI 2022 is planned to be held on Nov. 3 – 5, 2022 at the Dragon City Hotel in Seoul, Korea.

The Korean Association of Immunologists (KAI) is the national society of immunology researchers that includes basic immunologists and clinicians. KAI started in1974 with 48 inaugural members and has grown to have more than 3,000 current members. This year KAI is sponsoring one scientific session at Cytokines 2021 on Cytokines and Bystander T Cell Activation.


Members in the News

Two ICIS Lifetime Members, Warren J. Leonard and John J. O’Shea, awarded the 2021 Harrington Prize for Innovation in Medicine for their Contributions to the Field of Immunology, from Fundamental Discovery to Therapeutic Impact

The 2021 Harrington Prize for Innovation in Medicine:
Warren J. Leonard, MD, and John J. O’Shea, MD. Two ICIS Lifetime Members awarded the 2021 Harrington Prize for Innovation in Medicine for their Contributions to the Field of Immunology, from Fundamental Discovery to Therapeutic Impact [READ MORE]

Members in the News

Three ICIS Members elected to the National Academy of Sciences for their contributions to epidemiology, innate immunity and immunology – Congratulations!

Three ICIS Members elected to the National Academy of Sciences for their contributions to epidemiology, innate immunity and immunology – Congratulations to Ralph S. Baric, William R. Kenan Jr. , Katherine A. Fitzgerald, and Ellen V. Rothenberg Twitter: @theNASciences [READ MORE]