Cytokines 2024 / KAI 2024 Awards

ICIS Senior & Mid-Career Awards Nomination Deadline is March 4th – Recognizing Excellence in Cytokine Biology

ICIS Council is proud of the high level of award winners at every career stage, and it is a source of satisfaction that the Awards Committee has to choose between so many inspiring candidates. Consider the careers and contributions to our field that past ICIS award winners have and continue to make and it is clear how important it is that we recognize those who are revolutionizing modern medicine and leading to new treatments in autoimmune diseases, cancer and infectious diseases. [READ MORE]

Ludwig Princeton Branch, Mol Bio Welcome Lynch as Joint Faculty Member
Members on the Move

Lydia Lynch, an ICIS Mid-Career Award Winner & Nominating Committee Member joins Princeton as Full Professor in Department of Molecular Biology and a Member of the Princeton Branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research

Princeton University and the Princeton Brance of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research announce the appointment of Lydia Lynch as Full Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology a full member of the Princeton Branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. Professor Lynch is a former Mid-Career Award Winner and on the Nominating Committee of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society and will be leaving her position as Associate professor at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. [READ MORE]

rof. Ilja Striz, MD, PhD, Department of Clinical and Transplant Immunology, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic
New Member Mini-Bios

Ilja Striz, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Clinical and Transplant Immunology at the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM)

Ilja Striz serves as the head of the Department of Clinical and Transplant Immunology at the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM). He is also a Professor of Immunology at the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague and holds the positions of Vice-President in the Czech Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology and the Czech Immunological Society. [READ MORE]

You-Me Kim hiking.
Member Highlights

Member Highlight Interview with You-Me Kim, Ph.D., Co-Chair for Cytokines 2024 & KAI 2024

I started attending ICIS meetings in 2017 and learned a great deal about cytokines and made many friends. I have also served as a Council Member of ICIS since last year and am currently leading the local organizing committee for Cytokines 2024 & KAI 2024. What has struck me the most over the years of my engagement with ICIS is the great emphasis the ICIS leadership places on helping young scientists and the loyalty of ICIS members to the society. It is like once you are in, you belong to the family. I wish I had joined ICIS earlier in my career.

What book or TV show are you reading/watching right now that you recommend? “Breaking through: My life in Science” by Katalin Kariko. It shows how important perseverance is in science. It is a powerful and inspiring book and, at the same time, an easy read for non-native English speakers like me.” [READ MORE]

Chris Hunter - Fishing
Member Highlights

Member Highlight Interview with Christopher Hunter, Ph.D., Immediate Past President of the ICIS

The opportunity to attend and present at the meetings allowed me to showcase what the laboratory does that is unique. This was so helpful to meet other cytokine biologists who became collaborators and friends. The opportunity to organize the annual meeting was also a professional opportunity to develop networking skills [READ MORE]

Sarah Gaffen, Ph.D., University of Pittsburg, President ICIS 2023-25
President's Letter

ICIS Behind the Scenes

ICIS Behind the Scenes
Sarah Gaffen, President ICIS 2023-25

One often hears the phrase, ‘it takes a village’, which is certainly the case when it comes to running an organization as complex as the Cytokine Society. Many dedicated individuals have participated with their ‘sweat equity’ for years, or even decades. We extend a heartfelt thanks to all of them. We are always on the lookout for talented people who want to be engaged, whether from academia, government or industry.

Special Article of Interest

A “Tour de Force” Nature Genetics Publication by New Member Musa Mhlanga

A recent study from the Mhlanga lab published in Nature Genetics, “A chromatin-regulated biphasic circuit coordinates IL-1β-mediated inflammation” sheds light on an intriguing locus harboring the proinflammatory cytokine IL1b and the anti inflammatory cytokine IL37. Their study focuses on a region between these two genes that harbors SNPs associated with altered immune responses in individuals during infection. They show that this region encodes the long noncoding RNA they name AMANZI (A MAster Noncoding RNA antagoniZing Inflammation) where the common variant RS16944 resides. [READ MORE]