ECR Networking Event
Annual Meeting

Calling all Early Career Researchers! Make Your Plans to Attend Cytokines 2024 / KAI 2024 Today – Invitation to ECR Networking Event!

18:00 – 21:00, October 21 (Mon), 2024 at the Spaceshare Samseong COEX Center (close to the meeting venue)  Primary Goal:  Enhance the Early Career Researchers (ECR) meeting experience by facilitating networking opportunities at the outset, fostering relationships that extend beyond the meeting.  Foster interactions between KAI members and Global Members.  [READ MORE]

HOTEL SCAM ALERT! We have recently become aware of scammers targeting conference attendees. DO NOT provide any personal information or make any payments in response to unsolicited emails. (See examples) Cytokines 2024 | KAI 2024 and our conference hotels will never send emails or place phone calls to individuals to promote specific accommodations. Any legitimate message to attendees will direct you to our conference hotel information page, where you will find secure links to approved hotels.
Annual Meeting

Hotel Scam Alert!!!

We have recently become aware of scammers targeting conference attendees. DO NOT provide any personal information or make any payments in response to unsolicited emails. (See examples)  Cytokines 2024 | KAI 2024 and our conference hotels will never send emails or place phone calls to individuals to promote specific accommodations. [READ MORE]

Image of the 2024 Cytokine Bracket
Featured Article!

Vote Now for ICIS Leadership Positions and Best Cytokine of 2024

British playwright Tom Stoppard got it right when he said, “It’s not the voting that’s democracy; it’s the counting.” Some of you may recall a few questions about the final results of last year’s “Cytokine Bracket.” The 2024 edition of the King of Pathogens Memorial Cytokine Bracket has resolved those issues. Scan the QR code to vote.

And while you’re at it, if you are an ICIS member take a moment to vote in the ICIS leadership elections. Also on the ballot is a proposal to amend the number and responsibilities of some Standing Committees listed in the Bylaws.

Ballots were emailed to all members on July 1 with a reminder on July 10th, directly from If you didn’t receive yours, please contact the ICIS office. [READ MORE]

Society News

ICIS Elections: Last Day to Vote is July 31, 2024

Each year Members of ICIS are asked to elect members of the governing council and nominations committee. This year, members are also asked to vote on a change to the Bylaws of the Society regarding Standing Committees. These important elections determine the direction and the future of the Society.    All [READ MORE]

Annual Meeting

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the Travel & Achievement Awards for Cytokines 2024 & KAI 2024, congratulations to all those who have been selected!

Congratulations!The 2024 ICIS-Pfizer Trainee Award Winners are: Abstract Number Presenting Author Affiliation Country A-0030 Amir Shamshirian QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute Australia A-0070 In Hwa Jang University of Minnesota United States A-0084 Benjamin Broomfield The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) Australia A-0450 Eugenio Contreras Castillo National Autonomous University of [READ MORE]

Christopher Hunter (Left) is recognized for contributions to T cell immunology with the 2024 Matis Family IFI Investigator Award! E. John Wherry (Right), Director, Institute for Immunology, University of Pennsylvania, presents the award.
Members in the News
New Member Mini-Bios

New Member Mini-Bio Célia Nuovo, M.Sc. Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI), Lyon, FRANCE

Celia Nuovo, M.Sc. CIRI ENS de Lyon Lyon, France X: @NuovoCelia6409 FranceI received my master’s degree in Infectiology, speciality immunology and virology at Université Lyon 1 in Lyon, France. There I have been mentored under Dr. Marlène Dreux and studied the role of plasmacytoid dendritic cells against different respiratory viruses. [READ MORE]

The ICIS office has moved from Oradell, NJ to San Francisco, CA.
Society News

We’ve Moved!

The ICIS continues to be managed as a virtual office, now with one office in San Francisco and one in Germany. Since the society is a US registered non-profit organization that has been incorporated in the US, and Co-Managing Director, Stephanie Flores is located in San Francisco, please use the [READ MORE]

Cytokines 2024 Speakers Day 1 and Day 2
Featured Article!

Don’t Wait! Make Your Plans to Attend Cytokines 2024 / KAI 2024 Today!

The Cytokines 2024 and KAI 2024 Joint Meeting is just around the corner! Join us to learn from the brightest minds in Cytokine and Interferon research and gain the insights, techniques, and experiences you need to amplify your impact and build a global network. Invited speakers for Sunday and Monday, [READ MORE]